Thursday, June 5, 2008

Response to Professor M., week 4

I certainly feel thats a interesting topic to discuss. I personally don't think that sexual orientation or maritial status should be such vital roles when it come to adopting a child. Whether theres a gay couple or hetersexual couple does not measure whether they will be good parents or not. In fact a gay couple may be better parents than an heterosexual couple. Growing up with a single mother makes me look at the maritial status different as well. Though it must be nice to have two parents, a single parent can surely fulfill a child needs just as well. I certainly don't think these two status should play a vital role in adopting children when there are so many children who need parents or a parent to nourish and love them.

1 comment:

Prof.M said...

You would think!! But, this system is broken...and may children remain without a family and many singles, couples both heter or gay remain without a children.